The Morning Routine of Highly Successful People
Do you want to know what morning routine highly successful people religiously follow? Then look no further. In this article, I will be sharing four things they do that you too can emulate in your life starting today.
Highly successful people do these below-mentioned things
Number 1: Wake up early to meditate and exercise
The highly successful people believe in making time to meditate and exercise every day. They go to bed early and wake up very early before the rest of the world is even awake to focus and meditate.
How can you achieve this?
This task requires an extreme amount of willpower and dedication but is easily doable. Prep for everything the night before. Keep your yoga mat or running shoes, water, breakfast, and clothes ready so you don’t have to waste time thinking or making 100 excuses to not get out of bed.
Number 2: Commit to Lifelong Learning
Another great habit of highly effective people is their lifelong eagerness to learn and educate themselves. They know the key to lead a happy and successful life is to have a dedicated time for reading and learning something new every day.
As the famous quote goes,
Leaders Read and Readers Lead. Here’s a simple process to begin that journey. ~ Lary Kirchenbauer
How can you achieve this?
Let me ask you this – Which was the last book you read and when? Do you know? An average CEO reads one book per week.
[bctt tweet=” If you are not a natural reader, start small commit to reading at least 5 pages of a book every day. ” username=”myaptask”]
You can at least try a book a month to begin with. Read to stay informed and up-to-date with the world around you.
Number 3: Journal Writing
In the book, “The Artist’s Way” the author Julie Cameron talks about Morning pages. She suggests writing 3 long pages of whatever comes to your mind first thing in the morning.
How can you achieve this?
I personally like doing this task as it helps me clear my mind, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. You too can try this. Do not over-think, just write even if the sentences don’t make sense.
Number 4: Eat a healthy breakfast
The most successful people intake foods high in fiber, yogurt and drink loads of water to kick start their day and prepare their bodies for a long productive day.
How can you achieve this?
Meal plan. Plan your week’s menu beforehand and include healthy food items in your daily diet. Also, don’t forget to keep yourself well hydrated. This is a quick hack that you too can follow and set the tone right for the rest of your day.
So, intentionally rise early in the morning and follow these above-mentioned points to take control of your life today.
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