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Top 6 Interview Tips If You Are Applying For A Start-Up

Startup Interview Tips

Working with a start-up is the in-thing nowadays. Fresh thoughts, ideas, culture, and new people act like a magnet; but that’s as far as the fun goes…at least till you get the job.

You need to be able to make an impression from the word go, and crack the interview at the onset; but how can you do something you haven’t planned for? These pointers will definitely help you ace your interview and kick-start your career:

Know about the company: An interviewer will always be impressed if one’s well versed with company details such as on-going work and past projects, especially if it’s a start-up.

Ask questions: Make sure you ask smart questions; the interviewer will be impressed, as not too many candidates will do so. Ask your staffing solutions agency to brief you on what kind.

Dress to kill: ‘The first impression is the last impression’. Your dressing makes a statement about your personality and confidence. The interviewer and colleagues-to-be will definitely be impressed!

Body Language: Non-verbal communication is as important as the stuff you say, if not more. Make sure you have a firm handshake, maintain eye contact, and respond promptly.

Be punctual: This is the first thing you need to follow if you’ve gotten a job opportunity. Don’t risk spoiling your first impression by even being a minute late.

Use their product or service: The owner or existing employees will be delighted that you know about their product or service. This will put you a notch above the rest. Also, suggestions might be welcome.

If you’re looking at working with a start-up and need some material to prepare for your interview, this staffing company has got you covered!